The latest updates on current global conflicts. We’re dedicated to providing timely, accurate & unbiased coverage of the most important military affairs.

Our coverage goes beyond mere headlines, delving into nuanced perspectives and complexities of the news we cover. From the front lines of Ukraine to the halls of power in Washington D.C.

We believe that every voice matters. That’s why you’re encouraged to share your thoughts and opinions on our topics. Whether you’re a military expert or simply interested in world affairs, you have a space to connect with like-minded individuals and engage in meaningful discussions.

Newsflash WarDesk, is the public face of our NewsX next-generation editorial community focused on military news, particularly the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Our website is run by an editorial team with over three decades of experience in news production, notably for publishers such as Daily Mail, The Sun, Daily Express, and many more.

NewsX is about credibility, sustainability, reducing polarization, and providing access to information for making real decisions. Our project is a British registered Community Interest Company, which means the purpose is community and not profit, and it strives to create a media environment where bylines matter more than stand-alone brands.