Russia Says Its Artillery Hit Ukrainian Positions Using Malka Self-Propelled 203mm Cannon

Russia has said that its artillery has hit Ukrainian positions using a Malka self-propelled 203mm cannon, as these images purport to show.

The video shows the Russian weapon being loaded with ordnance and raising its long gun while hidden under camo netting in a forested area.

It then repeatedly opens fire with the images cutting to the Russian war machine apparently opening fire from the edge of a tree line before reversing back under the cover of its foliage.

The video then cuts to a number of explosions apparently showing the Ukrainian positions being hit.

The images were obtained from the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) on Monday, 20th May, along with a statement claiming they show “203-mm Malka self-propelled artillery system crews in action”.

The Russian MoD added: “Artillery units of the Zapad Group of Forces continue to eliminate artillery batteries, fortified positions, suppress command posts, and destroy enemy firepower, weaponry, and military hardware of the Ukrainian Armed Forces during the special military operation.”

We have not been able to independently verify the claims or the footage.


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