Read more about the article Sabre-Rattling Russia Shows Tactical Nuclear Weapons ‘Drills’ Near Ukrainian Border
Russian forces prepare training for use of nuclear weapons in Southern Military District, Russia, undated footage. The footage was released by the Russian MoD on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. (Russian MoD/Newsflash)

Sabre-Rattling Russia Shows Tactical Nuclear Weapons ‘Drills’ Near Ukrainian Border

These images purport to show Russian forces carrying out tactical nuclear weapons drills near the Ukrainian border. The Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) released the images on Tuesday reportedly…

Read more about the article Russia Says It Has Carried Out Massive Exericse To Fight Unmanned Boats And Drones
Russian crew on the warships fire at combat unmanned boats and unmanned aerial vehicles during an exercise in the Peter the Great Gulf in Russia in undated footage. According to the Russian MoD, the exercise was conducted by the combat training plan of the Pacific Fleet as part of an interagency exercise on the protection and defense of bases and sea communications. (@mod_russia/Newsflash)

Russia Says It Has Carried Out Massive Exericse To Fight Unmanned Boats And Drones

Russia has said that it has carried out a massive exercise using warships to combat unmanned boats and drones. The footage, reportedly filmed in the Pacific Ocean, shows a…

Read more about the article Ukrainian Marine Cadets Practice With Armoured Vehicles During Live Fire Training Exercise
Ukrainian marines fire from armoured vehicles during an exercise in Ukraine in undated footage. The footage released by the 36th separate marine brigade named after Rear Admiral Mykhailo Bilinskyi of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on Friday, May. 10, 2024. (@36obmp/Newsflash)

Ukrainian Marine Cadets Practice With Armoured Vehicles During Live Fire Training Exercise

These images show Ukrainian marine cadets practising with armoured vehicles during a live fire training exercise ahead of being deployed. The footage shows Ukrainian forces in a number of…

Read more about the article Ukrainian Soldiers Use Paintball Guns To Train Storming Trenches And Taking Out Russian Soldiers
Footage shows Ukrainian soldiers training to kill Russian soldiers inside trenches in Ukraine in undated footage. The footage was released by the 72nd Mechanized Brigade named after the Black Zaporozhians on Tuesday, April 30, 2024. (72nd Brigade/Newsflash)

Ukrainian Soldiers Use Paintball Guns To Train Storming Trenches And Taking Out Russian Soldiers

These images show Ukrainian soldiers using paintball guns as they practice storming Russian trenches and taking out enemy soldiers. The FPV video shows several Ukrainian soldiers rehearsing trench warfare…

Read more about the article Moment Tank Runs Over Ukrainian Soldiers During Training
Ukrainian troops train to blow up moving enemy tanks during combat exercises in Ukraine in undated footage. The footage was released by the 151st Separate Mechanized Brigade on Monday, Jan. 22, 2024. (151st Brigade/Newsflash)

Moment Tank Runs Over Ukrainian Soldiers During Training

This is the moment a tank runs over Ukrainian soldiers during training as part of an exercise to prepare them for active combat. The footage shows a line of…

Read more about the article  Ukraine Develops Real-Life Invisibility Cloak That Hides Soldiers From Thermal Cameras
Ukrainians have created invisibility cloak shields that block heat radiation in Ukraine in undated footage. The footage was released by the Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov on Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2023. (@FedorovMykhailo/Newsflash)

 Ukraine Develops Real-Life Invisibility Cloak That Hides Soldiers From Thermal Cameras

Ukraine has reportedly developed a real-life 'invisibility cloak' that can hide soldiers from thermal cameras thanks to its unique properties that block heat signature radiation. The images show two…