Russia Says Its Grad MLRS Crews Took Out Ukrainian Armour And Ammo Depots In South Donetsk

Russia has said that its Grad multiple launch rackets systems crews have taken out Ukrainian armour and ammunition depots in southern Donetsk.

The footage purports to show a Russian multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) manoeuvring into position in a field and deploying its weaponry before opening fire, shooting a salvo of rockets into the sky.

The images are partially narrated by a Russian soldier, with English subtitles provided at source.

The footage then appears to show an MLRS firing at night, with the images cutting to explosions purporting to show the Ukrainian positions being hit.

Russian Grad MLRS crews shoot at Ukrainian positions in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine in undated footage. The footage was released by the Russian MoD on Thursday, May 23, 2024. (Russian MoD/Newsflash)

The images were obtained from the Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) on Thursday, 23rd May, along with a statement claiming (in English): “Grad MLRS crews of Vostok Group of Forces eliminate AFU armour and ammunition depots.” (sic)

The Russian MoD quoted a member of the MLRS crew with the call sign ‘Kazanka’ as saying: “We perform different tasks. We eliminate the enemy’s infantry, mortars, light armored vehicles, tanks, IFVs. We go out, when a target emerges. We quickly try to hit the target by the first shot.” (sic)

The Russian MoD also said that the images were filmed in southern Donetsk.

Russian Grad MLRS crews shoot at Ukrainian positions in Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine in undated footage. The footage was released by the Russian MoD on Thursday, May 23, 2024. (Russian MoD/Newsflash)

We have not been able to independently verify the claims or the footage.


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