Israeli Helicopter Evacuates Wounded Soldiers From Gaza

These images show an Israeli military helicopter evacuating wounded soldiers from the Gaza Strip.

The footage shows an Israeli helicopter flying over the sea and apparently approaching a beach in Gaza before coming in to land.

Israeli soldiers can then be seen loading some of their injured comrades into the helicopter before it takes off, with the images then showing it landing at what appears to be a hospital.

The images were obtained from the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Monday, 13th November, along with a statement saying: “The air crew fighters of the rescue helicopter squadrons and the fighters of Unit 669 carried out over 60 wounded evacuations from the fighting area in the Gaza Strip in the last few weeks, in cooperation with the Medical Corps forces while providing advanced and life-saving medical treatment.”

We have not been able to independently verify the claims or the footage.

The Israel-Hamas war is now entering its 39th day, after the deadliest attack on Israel by Hamas on 7th October left 1,400 Israelis dead.

Israel has since retaliated with airstrikes on Gaza and a ground invasion, with the Hamas-run Health Ministry in the enclave saying on Monday, 13th November, that at least 11,240 people had been killed.

It said that over 4,630 of the dead were children and 3,130 were women, with an additional 28,000 people injured.

Israeli helicopters evacuate the wounded soldiers from the battlefields in the Gaza Strip in undated footage. The footage was released by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Monday, Nov. 13, 2023. (@idfonline/Newsflash)

Israeli ground troops have reached the Al-Shifa hospital, Gaza’s largest, as hundreds of people, including babies, remain trapped inside.

Thousands more have fled the hospital, but health officials in Gaza have said that the remaining patients are dying due to energy shortages.

There are also reports of intense fighting between Hamas militants and Israeli soldiers in the area.

Gaza’s Health Ministry said that at least 32 patients, including three premature newborns, had died in the last three days.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has said that at least 600 patients remain at Al-Shifa, along with 200 to 500 health workers and about 1,500 others seeking shelter.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have repeatedly claimed that Hamas is operating from bunkers beneath the hospital, a claim denied by the hospital and by Hamas.

US President Joe Biden has said that Gaza’s largest hospital “must be protected”.

Israeli helicopters evacuate the wounded soldiers from the battlefields in the Gaza Strip in undated footage. The footage was released by Israel Defense Forces (IDF) on Monday, Nov. 13, 2023. (@idfonline/Newsflash)

He added: “It is my hope and expectation that there will be less intrusive action.”

The Palestine Red Crescent Society said that attempts to reach the Al-Quds hospital to evacuate patients had been abandoned as a result of “continuing shelling and shooting”.

Thomas White, the Director of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA), has said that all of the group’s aid operations in Gaza will be shut down in the next 48 hours unless fuel is allowed in.

The IDF said that its forces had carried out 4,300 strikes so far and claimed that it struck “approximately 300 tunnel shafts” and “approximately 3,000 terrorist infrastructure sites”.

Eli Cohen, Israel’s Foreign Minister, has said there is growing international pressure for a ceasefire and estimated Israel had a “diplomatic window” of between two and three weeks before pressure seriously begins to increase.

The Archbishop of Canterbury has called for a ceasefire and said that the scale of civilian deaths and humanitarian catastrophe cannot be “morally justified”.


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