Ukrainian Forces Destroy Russian Armoured Personnel Carrier On Frontlines

These images show Ukrainian forces destroying a Russian armoured personnel carrier on the frontlines before taking out the Russian soldiers fleeing the burning vehicle using drone bombs.

The footage shows the Russian military vehicle being hit by Ukrainian ordnance and initially continuing to move despite being on fire.

But eventually, soldiers emerge from the armoured personnel carrier and seek refuge in the ruins of destroyed buildings as the war machine burns.

The soldiers can then be seen being targeted by Ukrainian drone bombs.

Ukrainian Forces Destroy Russian Armoured Personnel Carriers

The images obtained from the 3rd Brigade of the Spartan Operational Task Force named after Colonel Petro Bolbochan of the National Guard of Ukraine on Wednesday, 10th April, along with a statement saying: “Fighters of the ‘Spartan’ brigade, in cooperation with adjacent units, destroyed the BTR-82 and the personnel of the occupiers

Ukrainian forces destroy the Russian BTR-80 along with the personnel on the frontlines. In Ukraine in undated footage. The footage released by the 3rd Brigade of the Spartan Operational Task Force named after Colonel Petro Bolbochan. Of the National Guard of Ukraine. On Wednesday, Apr. 10, 2024. (@spartan_ngu/Newsflash)

“The enemy tried to storm the positions of the Defense Forces of Ukraine. After an expert hit by an FPV drone. The armoured personnel carrier caught fire and the infantry tried to hide in a destroyed building, where it was destroyed by precision drops and a kamikaze drone.

“In general, during the past week, fighters of the ‘Spartan’ brigade destroyed two enemy armoured combat vehicles. Damaged a ‘Ural’ truck, a D-20 howitzer, and one armoured combat vehicle.

“Any attempt by the enemy ends in failure. Guards bravely resist the invaders and liberate Ukrainian lands.”


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